The 2017 Legislative Session: Budgets, Bills, Vetoes and the Underlying Politics

Politics and process inside New Mexico’s “Roundhouse” are notoriously complex with legislative success dependent on personal connections, intra-party rivalries, the power of lobbyists, and basic deal making. Our guest, the lead political blogger in New Mexico and well-known host of his election shows on KANW, Joe Monahan, gives us as close to an insider look and what happened this session and why, this legislative Session. Will our Governor compromise on tax increases, why didn’t the leveling down of the gross receipts tax pass, and what about the Constitutional Amendment to fund early childhood education. Tune in on April 7, 2017 as New Mexico People Place and Ideas host Stephen Spitz explores all these issues, and much more, with special guest Joe Monahan. Produced with the assistance of Roman Garcia and Lynn Schibeci.

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