The Albuquerque Police’s 26 Homicides

Albuquerque police have shot and killed nearly 30 of our fellow citizens since 2010.  With each killing, concern and protests grew. Then, on March 16,2014 the police shot and killed James Boyd, a mentally ill, homeless man, who had been illegally camping in the Sandia foothills. Unlike prior shootings, video footage taken by a police lapel camera was available and appeared to show that Mr. Boyd had been needlessly shot in the back while surrendering. The video immediately went viral and mass demonstrations ensued with the chant: “They say ‘justified’! We say ‘homicide’!”  Then the Department of Justice, which had been investigating the APD for nearly 2 years, issued a comprehensive report finding that the APD had a practice of violating a suspect’s civil rights through the unjustified use of lethal force. This report fueled further demonstrations including at the city council chambers and Mayor’s office where only one protester, our guest, was arrested and charged with a felony. And, in truth our guest, UNM professor David Corriea has been among the most prominent critics of the APD but has declined interviews with the mainstream media. So please join host Stephen Spitz for this exclusive interview with one of the leading critics of the APD. Produced with the assistance of Jefferson White

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